Learning about language 2nd Teaching Period

  2009-04-30 18:46:56  
Learning about language 2nd Teaching Period NSEC Book 1 Unit 2 Learning about language 2nd Teaching Period 第十四备课合作组 Teaching Aims: 1. Finish off the exercises . 2. Learn some useful structures Direct and indirect speech Teaching Important Points:
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌

Learning about language 2nd Teaching Period

    NSEC Book 1 Unit 2   Learning about language
    2nd Teaching Period                
    Teaching Aims:
    1. Finish off the exercises .  
    2. Learn some useful structures Direct and indirect speech
    Teaching Important Points:
    1. compare the differences between British and American English
    Teaching Difficulty Points:  Direct and indirect speech
    Teaching Aids:  the multimedia; the blackboard
    Teaching Procedures:
    Step1.Deal with the exercises in the book
    Step2:  Listen to these dialogues. Mark the sentence stress and intonation. Then practice reading them in pairs. Find the British and American words which are different but have the same meaning.
    Step3 : Discovering useful structures
    Please find the following command and request from warming up and reading . Then see how to retell them in indirect speech.
    1. Look at these examples?
    2. Would you please come up to my flat for a visit?
    Step3: Learning useful structure – III ( 2m )
    Find the rules:Ask the students to finish the following exercises, and try to find the rules.
    Make sure the door is open.” the teacher said to me.
    The teacher told me to make sure the door is open.
    “Don’t play games in the classroom.” the monitor said to us.
    The monitor told us not to play games in the classroom.
    “Will you please not smoke here?” she added.
    She asked me not to smoke here.
    ? 直引:主语+动词+“祈使句”  
    ? 间引:主语+动词+to Verb
    ? e.g. The teacher said to me, “Come in .”
    ? —The teacher told me to go in 。
    ? John said to me , “Please shut the window。”
    ? —John asked me to shut the window。
    ? The teacher said to me, “ Don’t be late again.”
    – 1.祈使句变为间接引语,主要使用动词不定式。
    – 2.谓语动词要做一定变化。
    ? 表示命令,用tell,order,command等。
    ? 表示请求,用ask,beg,request等。
    ? 表示忠告,用 advise。
    Step5: Try to do this
    “Write a letter to your parents.”
    “Don’t play games in the classroom.”
    “Can you pass on the book to Tom?”
    “Will you please not smoke here?”
    Step6: 高考链接:
    1. We won’t give up _______ we should fail 10 times.                                                        
    A. even if      B. since      C. whether       D. until
    2. — I don’t have any change with me. Will you pay the fare for me?( 2000年上海)
    ---- ________ .
    A. That’s fine      B. Nothing serious         C. Never mind      D. No problem
    3. ---- Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?
    ---- _______ .(2000上海)
    A. I’d rather you didn’t, actually
    4. The teacher asked us ____ so much noise.(2003年北京)
    A. don’t make        B. not make      C. not making        D. not to make
    5. Visitors ____ not to touch the exhibits.        (NMET2001)
    A. will request       B. request    C. are requesting   D. are requested
    Step7: SUMMARY:
    Step8: Assignment
    1.Finish the exercises in WB  p50
    2. make some dialogues using the above commands and requests.
    1. You need to ask someone to close the door but you cannot do it yourself. There are many people in the room but you cannot tell who are important and who are not.. So how do you do it politely?
    2. You are standing in the middle of a train carriage and you need to leave. You must not push your way to the door, so how do you do it politely?
    A bear is about to approach a boy. What do you say to him to make sure that  he won’t be hurt?
    In group of three. Think of at least three commands that your parents and teachers usually give. You may follow these steps.
    Choose who is to give the first command.
    Ask another person in your group to tell somebody what you said.
    The third person will change the request from direct into indirect speech.
    Change roles so each person gets the chance to give some commands and turn them into indirect speech.
    S1---Please don’t talk in class.
    S2----What did the teacher tell us ?
    S3--- She told us not to talk in class.


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地理教案: 七年级地理教案 八年级地理教案 九年级地理教案 高中地理教案

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信息技术教案: 初中信息技术教案 高中信息技术教案

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