Topic1 Section A教案

  2009-04-30 20:18:25  
Topic1 Section A教案 Section A needs 1~2 periods. Section A 需用1~2课时。 The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求 1. (1)Learn the words of rooms in homes: bedroom, kitchen, dining room, living room (2)Learn other new words and phrases:
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌

Topic1 Section A教案

    Section A needs 1~2 periods. Section A 需用1~2课时。
    The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。
    Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求
    1. (1)Learn the words of rooms in homes:
    bedroom, kitchen, dining room, living room
    (2)Learn other new words and phrases:
    second, floor, upstairs, come in, garden, grandfather, in front of , house, behind, door
    2. (1)Learn some prepositions of positions.
    in, on, next to, in front of, behind
    (2)Master how to use the structure of"There be".
    Oh, there are so many books on the shelf.
    -Is there a study on the first floor?
    -No, there isn't.
    -Are there any books in the study?
    -Yes, there are.
    3. Review the present continuous tense.
    Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具
    Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
    Step 1  Review 第一步  复习(时间:10分钟)
    复习现在进行时, 呈现1a。
    (方案一:搜集资料。老师让学生拿出已搜集好的房间图片, 并标出房间的英文名, 在课上展示。让学生试着读出图片下面的单词, 教师点评。)
    T: Boys and girls, take out your collected pictures and label them in English.
    1. (呈现1a挂图, 引入新单词。)
    T: I like the nice house. Do you have a nice house?
    S1: Yes, I do.
    S2: No, I don't.
    T: Do you have your own study?
    (向学生解释study v.学习; n.书房。)
    Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
    T: What can we do in the study?
    Ss: We can read books in the study.
    T: S3, Which room do you sleep in?
    S3: 卧室。
    T: Yes. In the bedroom.
    study  bedroom
    (方案二:叫几名学生表演在不同地点的动作, 如学习、睡觉、洗澡、用餐、煮饭、看电视等, 让其他学生逐一猜这些动作和地点。此活动复习Unit 5的现在进行时, 同时呈现出表示房间的名词。)
    living room 客厅;起居室   dining room 餐厅
    kitchen 厨房   garden 花园  study 书房
    T: What's he/she doing?
    S4: He/She is watching TV.
    T: And he/she is watching TV in the living room.
    T: Then what's he/she doing?
    S5: He/She is studying.
    T: You are right.
    T: Where's he/she?
    S6: He/She is in the study.
    T: Good.
    2. (指着1a的图上的卧室问, 指导学生回答。)
    T: What do you do in the bedroom?
    Ss: We sleep in it.
    T: Where's the study?
    Ss: It's next to the bedroom.
    T: So there is a study on the second floor. And there are two bedrooms on the second floor.
    (板书短语和新句型, 并进行适当的讲解。)
    on the second floor
    Is there a computer in your study?
    There are so many books on the shelf.
    Is there…?   Yes, there is. / No, there isn't.
    3. (让学生根据1a的图练习There be…句型的疑问句形式。)
    T: Is there a living room on the first floor?
    Ss: Yes, there is.
    T: Are there two bedrooms on the first floor?
    Ss: No, there aren't.
    S1: …
    S2: …
    Step 2  Presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:5分钟)
    1. (课前设置好听力任务, 并板书。)
    (1) Where's the bedroom?
    (2) Where's the study?
    (3) Are there many books on the shelf?
    T: Now, let's listen to 1a and find out the answers to these questions. Are you ready?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: OK. Let's begin.
    2. (核对答案, 板书关键词。)
    T: Who can answer the first question?
    S1: It's on the second floor.
    T: Well done! What about the second question?
    S2: It's next to the bedroom.
    T: Good! Thank you. The last question?
    S3: Yes, there are.
    T: Good job.
    bedroom-second-floor-study-next to-books-shelf
    Step 3  Consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:5分钟)
    巩固1a, 完成1b。
    1. (再放1a的录音, 让学生跟读, 并用铅笔标出重读与语调。)
    T: Now, please follow the tape and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.
    2. (让学生擦去所标记号, 先自读, 然后跟读, 核对语音语调。)
    T: Erase the marks and read 1a by yourselves, then check your pronunciation and intonation according to the tape.
    3. (人机对话。)
    T: Now, listen to me carefully. Suppose you were Jane. Listen to the tape and make a dialog with Maria.
    4. (让学生看黑板上的关键词, 学生两人一组上台表演, 完成1b。)
    T: Now, boys and girls, please look at the key words and act out the dialog.
    G1: …
    T: Wonderful! Any other groups?
    G2: …
    Step 4  Practice 第四步  练习(时间:15分钟)
    练习2a, 完成2b。
    1. (1)(让学生认真听2a的录音并独立完成2a, 主要让学生了解关于房间的名词。)
    T: OK! Now listen to 2a and do it by yourselves. Do you understand?
    Ss: Yes.
    (2)(呈现2a挂图, 让学生拿着教师已准备好的地点名词卡片根据录音内容到黑板前粘贴,
    T: Boys and girls, put up the cards of places on the blackboard and say a sentence.
    There is a study on the second floor.
    T: Now, let's check the answers. Listen to me carefully and correct them.
    Rooms on the first floor: C, D, E. (from left to right)
    Rooms on the second floor: A, A, B. (from left to right)
    In front of the house: F.
    2. (让学生看2a的图, 与搭档对话完成2b。给学生几分钟准备, 然后找一些小组表演对话。)
    T: Now let's look at the picture in 2a, then finish 2b according to the example with your partner.
    (几分钟后, 让学生表演。)
    T: Which group can act your dialog out?
    G1: We can.
    T: Great! Any more?
    3. (教师与一名学生先做示范, 再让其他学生仿照示范完成3。)
    T: Please be quiet! Listen to us carefully.
    T: Where's your father?
    S1: He is in front of the house.
    T: What's he doing?
    S1: He's cleaning the car.
    (让学生跟搭档讨论, 完成对话。)
    S2: …
    S3: …
    Father is cleaning the car in front of the house.
    Step 5  Project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)
    通过活动, 增强学生的综合运用能力。
    1. (呈现给学生一张表格, 介绍自己的教室。)
    There is a teacher a clock a blackboard …
    There are students books desks …
    T: Introduce our classroom according to the form, then report to the class.
    There is a teacher in our classroom.
    There are some students in our classroom.
    There isn't a cat…
    There aren't any…
    S1: Is there a teacher in our classroom?
    S2: Yes, there is.
    S1: Are there any students in our classroom?
    S2: Yes, there are.
    S1: Is there a cat…?
    S2: No, there isn't.
    2. (完成4。)
    (1)(让学生自己画一张自己家的图片, 并用英文标出所画房间名称。)
    T: Draw a picture of your own house.
    (2)(运用演讲形式, 让学生介绍自己最喜欢的房间及房间里都有什么。)
    My favorite room is my study. I can do my homework there. There's a computer in it. There's also a TV in it. I often watch TV in my study…
    (3)(让学生四人一组做一个关于"What's your favorite room?"的调查报告, 然后全班分组调查, 最后随机抽学生向大家汇报。)
    ××'s favorite room is his/her study. He/She can study in his/her study…
    (出示一张房间的图片, 让学生找物品的位置, 引出"What's in that room?"为下一课作铺垫。)
    T: Boys and girls, where is the desk?
    Ss: It's near the window.
    T: What's in that room?
    Ss: There is a bed, a light …
    T: Very good. Let's begin.
    3. (家庭作业。)
    T: Draw a picture of your ideal house. Then write a short passage about it. (At least six sentences.)
    play with意为"玩耍;游戏;玩乐",多指儿童的活动。如:
    The child is playing with a ball. 这个孩子正在玩球。
    They are playing basketball on the playground. 他们正在操场上打篮球。


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