七年级英语牛津版7A UNIT2教案

  2009-04-30 20:17:40  
七年级英语牛津版7A UNIT2教案 Unit 2 My day Unit teaching aims: ( 1 )Use personal pronouns to avoid repetition and to focus on the main point of a message ( 2 )Use the verb 'to be' ( 3 )Ask for permission and favours (4 ).Make requests Teaching main points: Simple present tense
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌

七年级英语牛津版7A UNIT2教案

    Unit 2  My day
    Unit teaching aims:
    ( 1 )Use personal pronouns to avoid repetition and to focus on the main point of a message
    ( 2 )Use the verb 'to be'
    ( 3 )Ask for permission and favours
    (4 ).Make requests
    Teaching main points: Simple present tense & pronouns
    Teaching difficulties: ( 1 )like doing sth
    ( 2 )spend time doing sth
    Teaching aids: projector, a tape recorder, some real items
    Teaching  methods: Listening, Vocabulary, Speaking, Reading, Writing comprehensive method
    The 1st period
    Title: Welcome to the unit
    Teaching aims: .To talk about routines and activities
    .To repond to questions about daily life
    Teaching main points: to talk about daily activities
    Teaching difficulties: how to do sth  What are you going to do?
    Teaching procedures:
    Step1: Greetings
    Step2. Revision
    Step3. Presentation
    1. talk about daily routines and activities. Say I get up at 6.00 a.m.. When do you get up?I have breakfast at 6.20. what time do you have breakfast?, ect.
    2. review the names of the meals and difficult activities presented on Page 19.
    3. devide the class into groups and tell them to write their schedule
    Step 4 Practice
    1. Ask the students to sort their activities ibnto different sections:leisure,sports, eating,school.
    2. students write down the day and time when do their activities. As you go arround the classroom, provide help with vocabulary
    3. Each group writes the four lists on the board.
    4. students scan through Millie's diary entry.Ask students to find anywords they do not understand.
    5. Ask students to tell the class about their day using the diary to help.
    6. Ask students to compare their diaries with their parteners'. They ask each other questions such as "when do you wake up?".
    Step 5 Homework
    1. Exercises in workbook.
    2. Write an article "my school day".
    2nd  period
    Title: Reading
    Teaching aims:Reading skills and
    Use English to describe school activities
    Use verbs and nouns to talk about leisure activities
    Teaching main points: Simple present tense
    Teaching difficulties: spend time doing sth
    Teaching procedure:
    1 Ask students to scan the passage on Page 20 and underline the new words.Ask students to guess the meanings of the words.
    2 Divide the class into pairs. Ask each pair to scan one paragraph and underline any words they don't know.
    3 Students then ask their partener to help with the underlined words.
    4 Teacher provide help where necessary.
    5 Play the recording of millie's email.
    6 Students listen and repeapt.
    7 Ask the class some questions for their comprehension, e.g.,
    Is Beijing Sunshine Secondary School a big school?
    How big is it?
    Does millie like her school? Why?
    When is the assembly?
    What activities does millie take part in?
    8 Students look at the pictures and write down the correct words under them.
    9 Questions:
    What happens in an assembly?
    What are the students doing in the playground?
    10 say snacks means the things you eat between meals in English. And explain more words in English and students guess what word it is.
    11 Work out Part B2.
    12 Part C online friends.
    13 D Millie's Day.write down correct time for each activity under the pictures. Then say a sentence for each picture to describe.
    3rd  period
    Title: Vocabulary Grammar
    Teaching aims: To use verbs and nouns to talk about leisure time
    Teaching main points:words and expressions
    Teaching difficulties: the difference between many and much
    Teaching procedures
    1  Check the homework
    2 Greetings and free talk
    3 Revise expressions learnt last lesson
    4 Revise keywords and check for understanding of nouns and verbs. Revise: news,prize,really good,better,both,together,pleased,etc.
    5 Read out the sentences in part 1. Students draw a line from the pronoun to the noun the refers to.
    6 Students do Part A1.Tell them to use the correct personal prenouns.
    7 Students give their answers and explain why they choose a particular personal pronoun.
    8 Ask students to practise the conversation in Part A1 in pairs and role-play the conversation.
    9 Select two or three pairs to act before class.
    10 Students look at the sentences in Part A2. Point out that pronouns are missing. Ask students to complete the sentences on their own.
    11 Divide the class into pairs. Ask students to compare and check answers wth each other. Remind them to check their answers by referring to the table on page 24.
    12 Check answers with the whole class. Identify common problems and ask students to practise using the pronouns they got wrong.
    13 Students read the article in part A3 for general understanding only.
    14 Ask them to identify any words they don't know and give a quick explanation.
    15 Ask students to complete the task on their own.Then read the article to the class. Pause every time you come to pronouns and students to say it.
    4th period
    Title: Grammar
    Teaching aims: to use personal pronouns to avoid repetition
    To ask questions and make statements with the verb 'todo'
    Teaching main point:personal pronouns
    Teaching difficulties: to understand past forms ,won was, did
    Teaching procedures
    1 Greetings
    2 Check homework
    3 Revise some expressions from the article on page 25.
    4 Ask students to look at the tables an page 26 by themselves
    5 Imitate the structure to make some sentences.
    6 Ask students questions
    Do you like reading/ listening to music/walking/saying hello to your neighbours,ect?
    Does your father/ mother/sister like to go shopping?
    Do you often play basketball after class? Why not?
    7 Students practise in pairs
    8 Students work the answers.
    9 Check for the accuracy and ask students to mark their own work.
    10 Ask students to role-play the questions and answers. Tell them to pay attention to fluency. Praise them for fluency and correct intonation
    11 Write some statements on the board and ask students to make questions with the verb 'to be'.
    12 Ask students to read the email in part B2 for general understanding. Ask them to link the questions with the pictures in table on page26.
    13 Students complete the email and check their answers with a partner. Ask four students to read a question each and give their answers.
    14 Tell students that Tommy wants to know more information about Millie's life in Beijing and ask them to give possible questions according to the pictures.
    5th  period
    Title:integrated skills
    Teaching aims:
    1. To listen for specific information about opening hours
    2. To express wishes and make requests about a class trip
    3. To present information about opening days, opening hours, prices and locations
    Teaching main points: expressions
    Teaching difficulties: to use the expressions properly
    Teaching procedures
    1 Greetings
    2 Revise questions like "Does millie like reading?"
    3 tell students that in this section, Mr Wu is taking the Class 1 students .Point to the posters to show students the three possibilities. Mr Wu asked Millie to find out more information of the three places.
    4 Talk about outings in Beijing or other places in China.
    5 Ask students where they have been to and write the characteristics of the places on the blackboard
    6 students read Mr Wu's note and look at the posters.
    7 Explain trip spend each note
    8 Ask students to identify the three attractions in the note and write them under the correct posters.
    9 Ask students to use the information on the posters to complete the first four columns of the table in Part A2.
    10 Play the recording and ask students to listen for the opening hours to com;lete the table. Ask students to check answers in pairs, then check answers as a class.
    11 Gve help and explanations if students have problems.
    12 Play the recording again.
    14 Explain to students the purpose of writing the letter in Part A4.Tell them that they are making a suggestion about where the class can go next Monday.
    6th  period
    Title: Integrated skill  Main task
    Teaching aims:
    1 To make requests politely in a classroom situation
    2 To ask for favours
    3 To plan before writing an email
    Teaching main points:the correct response and practise the main items learnt last lessons.
    Teaching difficulties: To write an email orderly
    Teaching precedures
    1 Introduce the common contexts of making requests.
    2 Read or repeat some sample sentences given by students
    3 Ask students to practise the conversations in pairs and then change roles.
    4 Go through each of the three pictures.
    5 Ask students to complete Part B2. Have them read out the sentences and give reasons for ther choices.
    6 Introduce the idea of a happiness chart. Say millie is preparing her happiness chart for the e-frendship club's website. Young people want to find out what other students love,like and dislike about different activities.
    7 In Part A, students look at Mllie's happiness chart and the table to learn about what she lives, likes and dislikes.
    8 Talk about what students like to do.
    9 Ask students to complete their own happiness chart in Part B.
    10 Ask students to complete the table in Part C, using the information from their happiness chart in Part B on page 31.
    11 Ask students to work in pairs to discuss the reasons why they like or dislike certain activitiew.
    12 Ask students to read the email frame.Then students use the information in the table to complete the email.
    13 Go through Checkout


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