七年级英语下册Unit6 Topic1 Section D教案

  2009-04-30 20:18:08  
七年级英语下册Unit6 Topic1 Section D教案 Section D needs 1 period. Section D需用1课时。 The main activities are 1 and 5. 本课重点活动是1和5。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求 1. Learn the vowels: //:/, /EJ/, /aI/, /R:/ 2. (1)Review the prepositions of positions. in, on, behind, und
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌

七年级英语下册Unit6 Topic1 Section D教案

    Section D needs 1 period.  Section D需用1课时。
    The main activities are 1 and 5. 本课重点活动是1和5。
    Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求
    1. Learn the vowels:
    //:/, /EJ/, /aI/, /R:/
    2. (1)Review the prepositions of positions.
    in, on, behind, under, near, next to, in front of
    (2)Review the structure of"There be" .
    There is a small garden in front of my house.
    There isn't a computer in Picture B.
    There are two bedrooms and a small study.
    There aren't any trees in it.
    -Is there a computer in your study?
    -Yes, there is. / No, there isn' t.
    -Are there any shoes under the bed?
    -Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.
    -What's on the desk?
    -There are some model planes on it.
    -How many pairs are there?
    -There are two pairs.
    3. Review home items.
    Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具
    Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
    Step 1  Review 第一步  复习(时间:10分钟)
    复习单词, 导入1。
    1. (单词竞赛。把本单元单词按功能归类, 制成单词卡片, 要求每名学生必答两个单词, 教师给出中文意思, 学生说英文。一词一分。然后进行全班抢答。)
    T: Now, let's have a word competition. I'll give you Chinese meanings. Please say them in English. Each word you'll get one point. Are you ready? OK! Go!
    T: Well done! This time let's have a quick answer. If you know, you can stand up and answer quickly. Yeah, begin!
    (必答单词如下: bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, study, garden, flower, lamp, clock, key, CD, chair, keyboard, behind, under, second, floor, wall, model, beautiful, large, drawer)
    (抢答词组如下: dining room, living room, in front of, put away, look after)
    (通过对单词和词组的必答和抢答, 进一步巩固本单元的词汇, 培养竞争意识, 调动学习积极性。)
    2. (1)(呈现含//:/发音的单词卡片, 让学生熟悉这些发音, 为下面的操练做准备。)
    T: What's this?   Ss: It's bird.
    T: What's that?  Ss: It's girl.
    (板书girl, bird并画线"ir",要求学生找规律。)
    girl   bird
    (2)(用同样的步骤教学/EJ/, /aI/, /R:/。)
    Step 2  Presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:3分钟)
    T: Listen to the tape and then read after it.
    Step 3  Consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:5分钟)
    1. (再听1的录音, 让学生每听完三个单词后, 快速说出它们的汉语意思。)
    T: Listen to 1 again and say their Chinese meanings quickly.
    2. (让学生归纳含//:/, /EJ/, /aI/, /R:/的单词。)
    T: Let's sum up the words that have the pronunciations //:/, /EJ/, /aI/, /R:/.
    Step 4  Practice 第四步  练习(时间:15分钟)
    通过练习完成2, 3a, 3b和4。
    1. (1)(让学生根据所听到2的录音, 完成2。)
    T: Listen to 2 and draw a picture according to what you will hear.
    (让学生可以先写下关键词, 录音停止后再画。)
    (2)(核对完答案, 选出最佳图画, 张贴在教室里。接着要求学生看图写出刚才听到的句子, 以巩固所学介词及There be句型。)
    T: Please write the sentences that you heard just now.
    2. (告诉学生3a和3b是本单元重点, 翻开书齐读。)
    T: Please open your books! Read 3a and 3b together.
    3. (用所学的介词及There be句型, 让学生完成4。)
    T: Write a letter to your friend about your house. Use the prepositions that we have learnt and the structure of "There be".
    Step 5  Project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:12分钟)
    通过活动, 培养学生实际运用能力。
    1. (双人活动, 把一张图案鲜明的图片给S1, 但不让S1看到图中内容。S1把图面向其他学生, 让其他学生来描绘这张图, S1根据学生们的描述在黑板上画出一幅图。S1可以问问题, 其他学生回答。最后让学生们给S1打分。此活动能够活跃课堂气氛, 激发学生兴趣。)
    S1: What can you see in the picture?
    S2: There is a horse in the picture.
    S1: What else?
    S3: There is a man on the horse.
    S1: Is the horse running or walking?
    S4: The horse is running.
    S1: What else can you see?
    S5: The sky is blue and there are many trees in the picture.
    (增加教学弹性, 可以换图多做一、两次。)
    2. (完成5。让学生四人一组, 做调查, 看同伴的房间里有什么东西, 先作汇报。接着选一个同伴并把其房间里的东西放在合适的地方, 用图体现出来。看谁设计的效果最好, 张贴在教室里, 给予表扬。)
    (1)T: Work in groups of four. Make a survey.
    Name Things in the room
    … …
    … …
    T: Report to your group, using the sentences like this:
    There is…
    There isn't…
    There are…
    There aren't…
    It's on/in/behind/in front of…
    They're on/in/behind/in front of…
    (2)T: Then draw a room. The student who draws the things in the best place is the winner.
    3. (让学生自主归纳整理本话题重点, 以加深印象, 巩固记忆。四人一组, 进行自主学习, 每名学生负责归纳整理一个section的重点句型与词组。最后四名学生将总结的结果合并到一起, 向全班学生汇报, 与全班共享话题1的重点句型与词组, 并与课本3a和3b对照。)
    4. (家庭作业。)


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