English around the World 1st Teaching Period

  2009-04-30 18:47:07  
English around the World 1st Teaching Period Unit2 English around the World 1st Teaching Period 第十三备课合作组 Teaching Aims: 1. To get students to have a general view about the historical development of English 2. To get students to know different kinds of Engli
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌

English around the World 1st Teaching Period

    Unit2  English around the World
    1st Teaching Period              
    Teaching Aims:
    1. To get students to have a general view about the historical development of English
    2. To get students to know different kinds of English around the world, especially the differences between British English and American English.
    3. To improve the students’ reading ability.
    Teaching Important Points
    1、 How to improve the students’ reading ability
    2、 How to make students enlarge their knowledge on English through reading.
    Teaching Procedure:
    Step One: Warming-Up
    1. Greeting
    2. Ask the students to listen to a piece of BBC news and a piece of VOA news and tell their differences.( a piece of BBC news and a piece of VOA news)/Ask the students to listen some pieces of English materials, including British, American, Australian, Canadian and so on to make them know clearly that there are different kinds of English around the world .(some pieces of English materials, including British, American, Australian, Canadian and so on.)
    3. Pair work: two in a group find the differences between British English and American English(vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, usage ,etc.) and show some examples to them.(the differences between British English and American English(vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, usage ,etc.))
    Step Two: Pre-reading
    1、 Group Discussion:
    ① How many countries in the world where the majority of its people speak English?
    ② How many people speak English in the world today?
    ③ What do you know about the development of English?(提高题)
    2、 Check the answer:
    ① Show the map on Page51 and give the answer
    ② Ask students to search the answer through the internet.
    ③ Give a brief introduction of the development of English to students.
    Step Three: Reading
    1、 Fast reading
    Read the text quickly & tell us the main idea of each paragraph .(Pick out the topic sentence of the paragraph if there is.)
    2、 Second reading
    ① Read the text carefully and finish the exercise on Page10.
    ② Answer the following questions:
    A: Which language does modern English sound like?
    B: How is English used in South Asia?
    Step Four: Further Reading
    Ask students to finish an article about English to further improve their reading ability and enlarge their knowledge about English. (文章可由教师自己依本班学生的实际水平而定)e.g.光明日报出版社P52.(见幻灯片)
    Step Five: Group Work
    Six in a group to make an investigation on the following questions:
    ① Why do so many people speak English?
    ② Which reason do your group think is the most important one?
    One of the members of the group will be the reporter to give the class your answer.(可提供几个原因做例子,帮助学生拓展思维,也帮助暂时较落后的学生开口)
    Step Six: Summary and homework
    In this lesson, we learnt something about English, you can learn more through reading and the internet.
    ① Listen to the text and read it after the tape.
    ② Write an article to tell us why you learn English.
    ③ Reading material the background knowledge about English.(旧教师用书P29-30)(选择性作业)



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