高三英语选修10 Unit4 reading教案

  2009-04-30 17:41:10  
高三英语选修10 Unit4 reading教案 2nd period Reading Teaching aims: (1) Encourage the Ss to gain some knowledge about the problem of cybercrime, understand the importance of fighting against it and learn about the necessity of international cooperation. (2) Get the students to practis
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高三英语选修10 Unit4 reading教案

    2nd period    Reading
    Teaching aims:
    (1) Encourage the Ss to gain some knowledge about the problem of cybercrime, understand the importance of fighting against it and learn about the necessity of international cooperation.
    (2) Get the students to practise and reinforce their reading comprehension as well as
    improve their overall ability by participating in the activities.
    (1) Students are expected to put into practice the skill of understanding the definitions
    of important vocabulary.
    Important points & difficult points:
    (1). Train their skill of understanding the definitions of important vocabulary.
    (2). Understanding the importance of fighting against it and learn about the necessity of international cooperation.
    Teaching Procedures:
    Step 1 Revision
    1. Get some students to answer the questions on P 127.
    Step 2 Lead-in
    1. Warming up:
    Tell the students something about the Internet: The Internet has given people
    many new opportunities to find information. However, at the same time, it has caused a number of problems, and cybercrime is one of the most serious. Internet-related crime (also referred to as cyber-crime, e-crime and hi-tech crime) is a term used to describe a range of different crime types that are committed or facilitated online, including hacking, viruses, copyright piracy, trade secret theft, trademark counterfeit, currency counterfeit, Internet fraud, junk email or spam, Internet harassment, and much more.
    2. General questions:
    (1). According to the Council of Europe, how many types of cybercrime are there?
    There are four types of cybercrime.
    (2). How many companies and government departments were surveyed by the Computer Security Institute?
    503 were surveyed.
    (3). What is the solution to cybercrime?
    The only solution is international cooperation.
    Step 3 Reading comprehension
    1. Get the students to read the passage carefully, trying to find the answers to the following questions.
    (1). What is the definition of cybercrime?
    (It is a relatively new term that refers to any computer-related criminal offence.)
    (2). Can you name two examples of cybercrime
    (Hacking, spreading computer viruses, fraud, websites with offensive content or websites that encourage hatred and violence, and breaking intellectual property and copyright laws.)
    (3). What is fraud?
    (Fraud is a crime where money is stolen by cheating others.)
    (4). According to the Council of Europe, who is affected by cybercrime?
    (All Internet users are affected by cybercrime either directly or indirectly.)
    (5). Why is most cybercrime against companies not reported?
    (Because most companies want to avoid the loss of customers, who may think that the company cannot protect their money.)
    (6). Why are cybercriminals almost impossible to catch?
    (Laws against cybercrime have not been passed in many countries, and there are many holes in their legal systems. Most countries don't have arrangements for dealing with citizens of other countries who commit cybercrimes. Also, these criminals can be anywhere and can move quickly, so it is often almost impossible to catch them.)
    (7). What do governments need to do to fight criminals with computer skills?
    (Governments need to combine their technological resources to keep up with the criminals who have the best technical skills. It is also important to upgrade laws and create international standards for these laws. This will allow states to follow criminals across borders.)
    2. Further comprehension: Choose the best answer.
    (1). Which of the following is right?
    A. Cybercriminals are more interested in getting money from large companies.
    B. Fraud against individuals  is more serious.
    C. Receiving e-mails promising money or cheques shows that you're lucky.
    D. With international cooperation, we can avoid any loss.
    (2). Which one of the measures will NOT be taken to prevent online crimes?
    A. Educating people who use computers.
    B. Seeking international cooperation.
    C. Passing laws.
    D. Preventing people from using the Internet.
    (Keys: A, D)
    Step 4. Further reading
    1. Students read the passage again and give the general idea of each part:
    Part I(1-2): The definition and different types of cybercrime
    Part II(3-5): The extent of the problem
    Part III(6): The legal situation regarding cybercrime
    Part IV(7-8): The solution to the problem
    2. Get the students to fill in the blanks with proper words:
    Part I: The Internet has expanded lately, ___ ____ the opportunities for crimes. Committing ______ is realized online with little _____ of being ______. To fight this, we need to work together. The Council of Europe has ______ online crimes into four categories. (Keys: so have; crime; risk; caught; classified)
    Part II: Cybercrime has become _______ today, and all Internet users are ________ by it. Large companies are ____ targets for cybercriminals, who are often IT ______. A survey ________ in 2002 showed that almost all companies had their security system ______ into. Hundreds of billions of dollars has been lost to cybercriminals _______.  (keys: severe; affected; ripe; experts; educated; broken; anuually)
    Part III: Cybercrime is so new that some governments have no laws against it, and many holes ______ in their ______ system. Most countries have no __________ for dealing with _______ of other countries who commit cybercrime, and they are difficult to be ______. (keys: exist; legal; arrangements; citizens; caught)
    Part IV: Only by international cooperation can we s______ this problem. These criminals p______ the best technical skills in the world, m_______ that governments must combine their technological r_________ to keep up. The UN is also required to form a special a_____ to act as an international r_____ or steward. (keys: solve; possess; meaning; resources; agency; referee)
    Step 5 Developing reading ability through usage
    1. E(p5) Complete the passage.
    1. cybercrime  2. tight          3. computer     4. security
    5. viruses        6. hacked         7. content        8. violence
    9. offence    10. private
    Step 6 Consolidations and Expansion
    F(p5)  Discuss the questions:
    1. Do you think Internet shopping and banking could encourage cybercrime? If so, in what way?
    2. What do you think is more important, the convenience of using the Internet to buy things or financial safety? Why?
    3. How would you suggest we solve the problem of cybercrime?.
    Step 7 Homework
    1. Write a composition about cybercrime: how it come into being; why there is cybercrime; how to solve the problem.


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