
  2009-04-30 18:32:47  
八年级英语上册重点句型复习归纳 1. How often do you exercise? I exercise twice a week. 2. How often does he go shopping? He goes shopping once a month. 3. What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies. 4. What does she usually do on weekends? She sometimes go hiking.
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌


    1. How often do you exercise? I exercise twice a week.
    2. How often does he go shopping? He goes shopping once a month.
    3. What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies.
    4. What does she usually do on weekends? She sometimes go hiking.
    5. I try to eat a lot of vegetables; I think it/'s good for my health.
    6. What/'s the matter? I have a cold. I/' sorry to hear that.
    7. I/'m not feeling well; I hope you feel better soon.
    8. She has a toothache, she should see a dentist.
    9. It/'s important to eat a balanced diet.
    10. Everyone gets tired sometimes.
    11. What are you doing for vacation? I/'m babysitting my sister.
    12. When are you going? I/'m going on the 12th.
    13. I/'m going to Tibet for a week. ------ Have a good time.
    14. How long are you staying? For about three weeks.
    14. Who are you going with? I/'m going with my friends.
    15. How/'s the weather? = what/'s the weather like? It/'s sunny today.
    16. This time I want to do something different.
    17. He thought about going to Greens or Spain. But decide on Canada.
    18. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation.
    19. Can I ask you some question about your vacation? Yes, sure.
    20. She/'s leaving for Hong Kong on Tuesday.
    21. How do you get to school? I get to school by subway. = I take the subway to school.
    22. How long does it take? It takes about forty minutes.
    23. How far do you live from school? I live ten miles from school
    24. Can you come to my birthday party on Friday? Yes, sure, Sorry, I can/'t.
    25. I/'m more outgoing than my sister.
    26. My friend is the same as me.
    27. Liu Ying isn/'t as good at sports as her sister.
    28. She/'s a little more popular than me.
    29. We are both quiet. We both have black eyes and black hair. We both enjoy going to parties.
    30. He is good at school work; She is good at playing basketball.
    31. I think a good friend can make me laugh.
    32. I like to have friends who are like me. I like to have friends who are different from me.
    33. How do you make a banana smoothie? Peel three bananas, cut up the bananas, put the bananas and the yogurt into the blender, pour the milk into the blender, turn on the blender, drink the smoothie.
    34. How many tomatoes do we need? We need two tomatoes.
    35. How much cinnamon do we need? We need two teaspoons of cinnamon.
    36. Finally mix it all up.
    37. Put some relish on a slice of bread.
    38. Here/'s a recipe for a great turkey sandwich.
    39. How was your school trip? It was really boring.
    40. Did you go to the zoo? No. I didn/'t. I went to aquarium.
    41. Were there any sharks? No, there weren/'t. but there were some really smart seals.
    42. Did Tina buy a souvenir? No, she didn/'t, her friend Grace bought a souvenir.
    43. Tina met a famous actor.
    45. Tina got Jack Denis/'s autograph.
    46. Class 9 had a great time on the school trip.
    47. How was your day off? It was really boring.
    48. Did you have fun camping?49. I didn/'t have a very fun day.
    49. Maria won the first prize in yesterday/'s singing competition,
    50. When was he born? He was born in 1973.
    51. Who/'s that? That/'s Deng Yaping, she/'s a great Chinese ping pong player.
    52. How long did Charles Smith hiccup? He hiccupped for 69years and 5 month.
    53. When did he start sneezing? He sneezed in 1922.
    54. You/'re never too young to start doing things.
    55. Mozart started writing music when he was four years old.
    56. Who/'s Shirley Temple? She/'s a movie star.
    57. When did she become a movie star? She became a movie star when she was three years old.
    58. How old were you when you first went to a movie? She first went to a movie when she was three years old.
    59. She started ice skating when she was four.
    60. I saw her play when I was eight. She toured the US when she was fourteen.
    61. He started to learn the piano when he was seven. He began to learn the accordion at the age of four.
    62. What are you going to be when you grow up? I am going to be a computer programmer.
    63. How are you going to do that? I/'m going to study computer science
    64. I/'m going to move somewhere interesting. I/'m going to find a part-time job. I/'m going to study French at the same time.
    65. I/'m going to travel all over the world. I/'m going to somewhere quiet and beautiful.
    66. Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure.
    67. Could you take out the trash? Yes, I can/ No, I can/'t.
    68. I hate to do chores. I hate doing the dishes, it/'s so boring.
    69. Thanks a lot for taking care of my dog?
    70. Don/'t forget to clean his bed.
    71. What/'s the best radio station? What/'s the best movie theater? It/'s the cheapest, it has the most comfortable seats.
    72. Who/'s the best performer? Eliza was the best performer.
    73. Last week/'s talent show was a great success.
    75. What did you learn in school today? I learned English, Chinese and math


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