grammar and usage教案

  2009-04-30 17:41:42  
grammar and usage教案 主备人 执教人 授课日期 班级 总课题 M10U4 总课时 10 分课时 8 课型 新授 课题 M10 Unit4 Law and order grammar and usage 教学目标 1.Learn sth. about language styles 2.learn some key phrases and words To know language styles 教学重点 The students k
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌

grammar and usage教案

    主备人  执教人  授课日期  班级 
    总课题 M10U4 总课时 10 分课时  8 课型 新授
    课题 M10 Unit4   Law and order       grammar and usage
    教学目标 1.Learn sth. about language styles
    2.learn some key phrases and words
    To know language styles
    教学重点 The students know language styles freely
    教学难点 some papers ,a projector
    教具 M10 Unit4   Law and order       grammar and usage
    教学内容 教法学法
    Step 1 :Greetings
    Step 2 :Brainstorming 
    the English language style is between spoken and written forms. Within spoken and written forms of English, there are also differences between formal and informal styles. You are expected to apply what you have learnt to practice by finish two exercises.
    Step 3: Explanation:
    1. Do you know what is formal style and what is informal style? What is the difference between them?
    2. People use different language styles in different situations. Read the guidelines and the information in the table on page 56.
    3. Read Part 1 and Part 2 about formal style and informal style. You will find complex sentence structures, including the passive voice and subordinate clauses, as well as abstract nouns in the formal style of English. And simple sentence structures and active voice may often be used in the informal style. A lot of colloquial language and contractions may be found as well.
    4. Compare the following two texts and try to decide which is formal and which is informal.
    A: Hi, Mike. It's Alice's birthday tomorrow. Shall we buy her a present?
    B: Yes, of course, what about some flowers?
    A: Flowers are lovely. But I'd prefer to get her a CD. You know she loves music.
    B: Good idea.
    A: Good morning, Mr Smith. The report if finished. Shall I present it to you?
    B: Please give it to me in an hour. I have a meeting with some customers about our new product.
    A: I am sorry to interrupt you. Please inform me when you are finished and have time to look at the report.
    B: Yes, I will.
    Text1: use simple sentence structures; the active voice; less formal language and contractions
    Text2: use the passive voice; a formal setting
    5. Read the guidelines of Part A on page 57 to find out what you will do in this part. Read the situations in the box and then work out the answers on your own or in pairs. Try to state your reasons for your choice.
    Formal Informal
    Spoken b  d  e a  j
    Written f  h c  i  g
    6. Read the guidelines of Part B. Finish it in pairs. Tell the reasons why you think these sentences are formal or informal.
    B  6  3  1  2  5  4 
    5  3  1  6  2  4
    Step 4: Homework:
    Do Parts C1 and C2 on page 124 in Workbook.


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