
  2009-04-30 18:33:09  
八年级英语上学期Unit11复习资料 view of Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? 词汇复习1 1. Mum wanted me to get her three _______(盘子). 2. You need to _______(清扫) the room every day. 3. What time is the __________ (会议)? 4. He ________ (讨厌) eating noodles. 5. May I
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌


    view of  Unit 11
    Could you please clean your room?
    1. Mum wanted me to get her three _______(盘子).
    2. You need to _______(清扫) the room every day.
    3. What time is the __________ (会议)?
    4. He ________ (讨厌) eating noodles.
    5.  May I _________ (借) your bike?
    6. They _________(邀请) me to their home yesterday.
    7. The farmer  _____ ________(喂)  the chickens.
    8. Your pen is 5 yuan.My pen is 10 yuan.So your pen is cheaper than _____ (我的).
    1. 干家务 ________            2.洗餐具 _________      
    3.扫地 __________              4.倒垃圾 _________   
    5.叠衣服 _________             6.打扫客厅 _______
    7.洗衣服  _________            8.买饮料和零食 _________
    9.借钱   _________             10.去商店 _________
    11.搭车  _________            12.在外呆到很晚 _________
    13.从事  _________            14.整理床铺  _________
    15.照顾  _________            16. 从…借… _________
    17. 邀请某人到某地_________   18.邀请某人做某事  _________
    Could you please  + do sth?
    Could you  + do sth?
    Would you please + do sth?
    Would you  + do sth?
    肯定回答: Sure./Of course./No problem./I'd love to.
    否定回答: Sorry./I'd love to but I…
    eg: Could you please clean our yard? 你能打扫一下我们的院子吗?
    Would you please turn on the light? 请打开灯好吗?
    Would you please close the door? 请关上门好吗?
    Could I please  + do sth?
    Could I + do sth?
    肯定回答:Sure./Of course./No problem.
    eg: Could I please borrow you car?  我可以借你的车吗?
    Could I buy some drinks and snacks?  我可以买一些饮料和小吃吗?
    make 与 do 的区别
    make 强调做的东西,意思重在"制作";do 强调做的动作。
    eg: make breakfast; make the bed ; make a banana milk shake
    do chores; do the laundry; do the dishes; do one's homework; do some reading
    forget to do sth 与forget doing sth
    eg: He often  forgets to finish his homework.
    I forgot posting the letter , it's not in my bag.
    eg:  Please give me a slice of bread.
    Could you please give me a slice of bread?
    1. I  want to use your computer.
    2.Let me look at your family photo.
    3.Please help me do the dishes.
    4. You should wash the car. It's very dirty.
    1.Can you go shopping with me tomorrow?
    -__________,but I have to study for my chemistry test.
    A. I'd love to         B. Never mind         C. It's nothing
    2.Could you  _______ me Mary's phone number ? I want to call her.
    A. go give        B. give         C. giving         D. go giving
    3. Don't forget _________ the door when you leave.
    A. to close     B. close            C. closing        D. closes
    4. Every morning, I get up at six o'clock, ______ and have a quick breafast.
    A. make bed    B. make a bed      C. make my bed     D. make one's bed
    5. He hates to do the dishes. It's ________.
    A. interesting        B. relaxing       C. boring      D. easy
    6.-Could I borrow your car?
    -________, but I need it. I  ________ go to work.
    A. OK;don't           B. Sorry; have to
    C. Sure; don't have to          D.  Sure; have to
    7. "Could you help me take it to the classroom?""_________."
    A. Yes , I could      B. No, I couldn't     
    C. Yes, sure           D. No, I don't
    8. "Tina,I ________ dinner but you _____ the dishes. OK?""Sure."
    A. make; do       B. do; make       C. make; make       D. do; do
    1.请使用Could you …句式及祈使句。
    1. Could you please…?
    2. Please …
    3. Don't forget to …
    Dear Li Ming,
    My parents and I are going on cacation tomorrow. I went to your house, but you weren't in. I needsome help. Could your please ___________________________________________________________


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