I used to be afraid of the dark教案4

  2009-04-30 18:21:47  
I used to be afraid of the dark教案4 The Third Period Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands 1.Knowledge Objects (1) Talk about what you used to be afraid of and what you are still afraid of. (2) Key Vocabulary terrify, be terrified of, on 2.Ability Object Train students' integrating s
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌

I used to be afraid of the dark教案4

    The Third Period
    Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
    1.Knowledge Objects
    (1) Talk about what you used to be afraid of and what you are still afraid of.
    (2) Key Vocabulary
    terrify, be terrified of, on
    2.Ability Object
    Train students' integrating skills.
    3.Moral Object
    Are you afraid of speaking in front of a group? Don't be so shy. Be confident of yourself. Practice more, and you will sure change.
    Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points
    Target Language
    Did you use to be afraid of the dark?
    Yes, I did.
    Are you still afraid of the dark?
    No, I'm not. How about you?
    Me? Oh, yes! I'm terrified of the dark.
    So, what do you do about it?
    I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.
    Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Point
    Talk about what you used to be afraid of and what you are still afraid of using the target language.
    Ⅳ.Teaching Methods
    1.Teaching by demonstration.
    Ⅴ.Teaching Aid
    A projector
    Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
    Step Ⅰ Revision
    Check homework. Ask different students to read their reports about his favorite film star or a scientist. Then collect their writings and write comments on each paper before returning them. Display some better ones in the classroom.
    Show a student's work on the screen by a projector. Help him/her correct any errors.
    Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford, England in 1942.
    As a student, he didn't use to work hard. He used to be a lazy student and do very little work. At the age of 20, he got an incurable illness. At first, he used to be very depressed. But he didn't lose heart. He went on to do some of the most important scientific research after coming out of hospital. Now he works at Cambridge University as a professor.
    Step Ⅱ 3a
    This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.
    Point to the pictures and ask students to tell what is happening.
    S1: In Picture 1, the person is afraid of the dark.
    S2: In Picture 2, the person is afraid of flying in an airplane.
    S3: In Picture 3, the person is afraid of high places.
    Draw students' attention to the chart. Read each of the four headlines and the list of items in the first column to the class.
    Demonstrate how to fill in the chart with a good student orally.
    T : Did you use to be afraid of the dark?
    S: Yes. I was afraid to walk home when it was dark.
    T: Are you still afraid of the dark?
    S: No, I'm not.
    Tell students where to put a check in the chart.
    Ask students to complete the "I" column of the chart on their own by checking the items that they used to be afraid of and that they are still afraid of.
    Check the answers.
    Note: Answers will vary. Ask different students to report his/her answers like this:
    S: I used to be afraid of the dark and high places. But now I'm afraid of neither.
    Step Ⅲ 3b
    This activity provides oral practice using the target language. Focus attention on the conversation. Ask a pair of students to read it to the class.
    Write the conversation on the blackboard.
    Point out the list of items in the first column of Activity 3a. Say, Ask your partner about these items and complete the "My partner" columns of the chart in pairs.
    Ask students to work with partners.
    Walk around the room correcting any errors in pronunciation.
    Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.
    When all the students have finished the chart, Say, Now let's check to see how many students used to be afraid or are still afraid of the same things. Invite a student to ask questions.
    S: Who used to be afraid of the dark?
    Raise your hands.
    (Count the hands and let students keep a record.)
    S: Who is still afraid of the dark? Raise your hands.
    (Count the hands and let students keep a record.)
    Do the  same approach with the other items.
    Step Ⅳ Part 4
    This activity gives students an opportunity to use the target language to talk about themselves.
    Read the instructions to the class. Ask a good student to give an example from his or her own experience. For example, for the word eat ,a student might say, I used to eat chocolate. Now I like to eat fruits of different kinds. I think chocolate is rich in calory and fat while fruits are rich in vitamin, which is good  for health.
    Help students to write chocolate and fruits in the chart.
    Ask students to complete the work in groups of four. Walk around the classroom listening in on different groups and offering help with pronunciation and writing.
    Ask a few students to tell the class about the other students they have talked to. For example, a student may say, my desk-mate Wei Mei used to eat a lot of chocolate. Now she likes to eat fruits. She thinks keeping fit is of great importance.
    Note: answers to the chart will vary.
    Step Ⅴ Summary
    Say, In this class , we've talked about what you used to be afraid of and what you are still afraid of using the target language of this unit.
    Step Ⅵ Homework
    (1) Ask students to find out what their grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and old friends used to be afraid of when they were children. What did these people used to be afraid of that today's children are not afraid of?
    (2) Finish off the exercises on pages 6~7 of the workbook.
    Step Ⅶ  Blackboard Design
    Unit 2  I used to be afraid of the dark.
    Section A
    The Third Period
    Target language:
    A: Did you use to be afraid of the dark?
    B: Yes, I did.
    A: Are you still afraid of the dark?
    B: No, I'm not. How about you?
    A: Me? Oh, yes! I'm terrified of the dark.
    B: So, what do you do about it?
    A: I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.


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