
  2009-04-30 16:06:50  
初三英语:Lesson 23教学设计方案  Period: The third Period  Content: Lesson 23  Properties: Recorder  Teaching Objectives: Students should master the dialogues, useful expressions about the present perfect tense and the object clause.  Language Focus:  1. How
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌


初三英语:Lesson 23教学设计方案
  Period: The third Period

  Content: Lesson 23

  Properties: Recorder

  Teaching Objectives: Students should master the dialogues, useful expressions about the present perfect tense and the object clause.

  Language Focus:

  1. How long have you lived in…?

  I ve live here since…
  2. How long have you been doing sth.?

  I ve been doing sth. for…
  3. What s the longest time you ve been down?

  I ve been down as long as…
  4. … says (that)…
  Teaching Procedures:
  Ⅰ. Organizing the class
  Greetings and a duty report.
  Ⅱ. Revision
  To dictate the words last time.
  Check homework
  Ⅲ. Presentation
  Present the sentence:
  How long have you learned English?
  Ask some students to answer.
  Then go on:
  Do you like learning English?
  Have the students practice this dialogue in Pairs, in groups. At last, act out the dialogue
  Ⅳ. Read and say
  Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat
  Then ask:
  How long has Lin Yang lived in Honolulu?
  How long has Lin Yang been surfing?
  Have the students ask the questions, check with the whole class.
  Ⅴ. Practice
  Practice the dialogue in Pairs, then in groups.
  Then act out the dialogue.
  Ⅵ. Ask and answer

  Talk about the dialogue of Part 2 in Pairs.
  Finish the sentences in Pairs.
  Ⅶ. Practice
  Talk in groups of three. The first student says something, the second student may ask: What does he / she say? The third student repeats using the Object Clause: He / She says that…
  Ⅷ. Homework
  Finish off the exercises in the workbook.
  Ⅸ. Summary
  Exercise in class:
  Rewrite the following sentences with the Object clause.
  1. Physics isn t easy to learn
  He says…
  2. Who does live in the room?
  Do you know…
  3. You have passed the exam.
  I m glad…
  4. He ll be back in a month.
  I hear…
  5. Whose dictionary is this?
  Tom asked…
  1. He says (that) physics isn t easy to learn.
  2. Do you know who lives in the room?
  3. I m glad that you have passed the exam.
  4. I hear he ll be back in a month.
  5. Tom asked whose dictionary this was.


上一篇:Unit Four


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