高三英语选修10 Unit4 reading教案

  2009-04-30 17:42:13  
高三英语选修10 Unit4 reading教案 主备人 执教人 授课日期 班级 总课题 M10U4 总课时 10 分课时 4 课型 新授 课题 M10U4 The fight against cybercrime 教学目标 1.To improve the Ss' ability of reading. 2.To go through the whole text and make the students gain some knowledge of cybercrime
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌

高三英语选修10 Unit4 reading教案

    主备人  执教人  授课日期  班级 
    总课题 M10U4 总课时 10 分课时  4 课型 新授
    课题 M10U4 The fight against cybercrime
    教学目标 1.To improve the Ss' ability of reading.
    2.To go through the whole text and make the students gain some knowledge of cybercrime and realize the importance of fighting against it.
    To help students learn more knowledge about cybercrime.
    教学重点 How to help students improve the Ss' ability of reading.
    教学难点 Ppt ,A  recorder
    教具 M10U4 The fight against cybercrime
    教学内容 教法学法
    Step I Pre-reading
    Discuss the types of crimes:
    Types of crimes such as theft, murder,robbery, Cybercrime…
    Discuss the types of Cybercrime
    Step II Fast reading
    ●Read the text fast and then grasp the main idea of the passage
    ●Read the text fast again and then answer the following three questions:
    1. According to the Council of Europe, how many types of cybercrime are there?
    There are four types of cybercrime.
    2. How many companies and government departments were surveyed by the Computer Security Institute?
    503 companies and government departments were surveyed.
    3. What is the solution to cybercrime?
    The only solution is international cooperation.
    Step III Careful reading
    ●Read the text and then speak out how many parts it is made up of:
    o Part I   (1):Introduction to cybercrime
    o Part II  (2):The definition and different types of cybercrime
    o Part III (3-6):The extent of the problem.
    o Part IV (7-8):The solution to the problem.
    ●Read the second part and then do C2.
    Answers: 1.b   2.d   3 a   4 c
    ●Read the third part and then answer the following questions:
    1. According to the Council of Europe, who is affected by cybercrime?
    All Internet users are affected by cybercrime either directly or indirectly.
    2.Why is most cybercrime against companies not reported?
    Because most companies want to avoid the loss of customers, who may think that the company cannot protect their money.
    3.Why are cybercriminals almost impossible to catch?
    Laws against cybercrime have not been passed in many countries, and there are many holes in their legal systems. Most countries do not have arrangements for dealing with citizens of other countries who commit cybercrimes. Also, these criminals can be anywhere and can move quickly, so it is often almost impossible to catch them.
    ●Read the fourth part and then answer the following question
    What do governments need to do to fight criminals with computer skills?
    Governments need to combine their technological resources to keep up with the criminals who have the best technical skills. It is also important to upgrade laws and create international standards for these laws. This will allow states to follow criminals across borders.
    Step IV Discussion
    1.What do you think of Internet shopping ?
    2.What can we do to solve the problem of cybercrime?
    3.What is more important the convenience of using the Internet to buy things or financial safety? Why?
    Step V Consolidation
    Step VI Homework


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