高三英语选修10 Unit4 project教案

  2009-04-30 17:39:53  
高三英语选修10 Unit4 project教案 6th period and 7th period Task Investigating and reporting facts I. Ability goals 1. Enable students to listen for emotions expressed by tones. 2. Enable the students to ask and answer questions politely and write a report on an investigation. II
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌

高三英语选修10 Unit4 project教案

    6th period  and 7th period Task
    Investigating and reporting facts
    I. Ability goals 
    1. Enable students to listen for emotions expressed by tones.
    2. Enable the students to ask and answer questions politely and write a report on an investigation.
    II. Learning ability goals 
    1. Help the students learn how to listen for emotions expressed by tones.
    2. Help the students practice how to ask and answer questions in a polite way and how to organize information properly for a report.
    III. Teaching important and difficult points
    1. Listening for the speakers' feelings and taking notes.
    2. Improve students' speaking skills and make the students master the writing skills on writing a report.
    IV. Teaching methods
    1. Listening and speaking
    2. Discussion and task-based activities.
    V. Teaching aids
    A recorder;A computer and a projector
    Teaching Procedure
    I. Revision
    1. Make a dialogue in a formal or informal language style.
    2. Check the homework assigned last period.
    II. Skills Building 1
    1. Lead-in
    1) Recognize some emotions
    2) Listening for emotions expressed by tones
    When people are speaking, they are not only expressing facts and ideas, but also revealing something about how they feel. As we know, the tone of voice is the most obvious way. Many different emotions can be expressed through different tones.
    Dialogue 1  Excitement
    A: Hello, Jane. How was your day at the theme park?
    B: It was great. We went on all the rides. The best one was the roller coaster. It stats really slowly. Then when you get to the lightest point, it suddenly drops really quickly. Everyone screamed and waved their hands in the air.
    Dialogue 2  fear
    A: Oh, no! Help, somebody, help!
    B: What's wrong?
    A: In the bath, there's a big spider. It's huge!
    B: Don't worry. It can't hurt you. I'll put it outside.
    Dialogue 3  shame
    A: Did you have a good time at your friend's birthday party?
    B: I did, until it came to the birthday cake. I'm afraid I was very greedy and ran towards the cake. I tripped, and fell into the cake. It was so embarrassing.
    A: The important thing is you're not hurt.
    Dialogue 4  anger
    A: What's wrong? Your face is like thunder.
    B: I was on the bus home, and I think someone stole some money out of my pocket. It wasn't much, but it made me so mad.
    A: Oh, no! At least the thief didn't get very much money though.
    Dialogue 5  happiness
    A: Congratulations on your exam results. You must be so pleased.
    B: I am. I worked really hard studying, and it all paid off.
    A: Let's go out to dinner to celebrate.
    With anger or annoyance, a person's tone of voice will be louder and stronger than normal.
    If someone is afraid, his or her tone of voice will probably be soft and shaky.
    A person who is ashamed will be likely to speak very quietly and hesitantly in a flat tone of voice.
    2. Finding out about a boy's feelings
    Part A  Listen to the investigation and take notes for your report to the headmaster.
    Part B Listen to the investigation again and decide whether he is angry, afraid or ashamed.
    1. How does he know it was me? It could have been anyone.
    2. I'm sorry, Mr Li. I didn't mean  
    that. Really, I was going to 
    return the money later.
    3.  I... do my ... homework.
    Part C  A Letter of apology
    Read the letter on page 59 and answer the questions
    1.Who did he go to the Internet café with?
    2.When did he go?
    3.Where did his parents think he was doing while he was at the Internet café?
    4. Why did he not ask for money from his parents?
    5. Will he pay back the money?
    III. Skills building 2   asking and answering questions politely
    1. Lead in
    Read the two dialogues and judge which one is more polite.
    Dialogue 1
    A: Are you coming with me to the concert tonight?
    B: No. I've got my hands full with this report.
    Dialogue 2
    A: Excuse me, I would like to invite you to the concert.
    Could you please spare me some time tonight?
    B: I am terribly sorry. I am busy with this report and do not have any time to spare.
    The first one is more informal using colloquial language while the second one is formal using very polite language.
    In many situations, it is not very polite to be too direct or blunt in the way you ask or answer a question. It is usually more polite to use the expressions like:
    Could you please tell me...?
    Could you explain...?
    Would you mind telling me...?
    I wonder what you think about...?
    Have you thought about...?
    Well, you see....
    Let me explain...
    It's like this....
    I'm afraid I don't know....
    2. Interviewing a parent
    Organize the students into groups of and discuss the ways to solve the problem of the boy stealing the money.
    Discuss the situation with the boy's parent.
    Role-play the dialogue.
    IV. Skills building 3  Writing a report
    A report will include all or some of the following points, in the order shown:
    1.Statement of the present situation
    2.Background to the situation---- what happened before
    3.Cause of/ reasons for the situation
    4.Details of the situation
    5.Likely results of the situation----what may   happen in the future
    6.Recommendations for the action to be taken
    7.Reasons for the recommendations
    Step 3  Writing a teacher's report
    1.Statement of the present situation
    2.Background to the 
    3.Reasons for the situation
    4.Details of the situation (Xu Jin's reactions)
    5.Likely results of the situation 
    6.Recommendations for action to be taken
    7.Reasons for the recommendations
    Report on   Xu Jin stealing money from school
    Statement of the situation Xu Jin stole some money from his classmates yesterday
    Background to the situation He got involved with some friends playing computer games in an Internet café.
    Reasons for the situation He was addicted to computer games and needed more money because of this.
    Details of the situation (Xu Jin's reactions) He told the truth and wrote a letter of apology.
    Likely results of the situation We should give him a second chance.
    Recommendations for actions to be taken -reasons for the recommendation Give his parents some suggestions: Ask them to talk to Xu Jin more often and get to know his friends.
    Encourage Xu Jin to concentrate on study and stop him from going to the Internet cafes. His bad habits caused him to steal, and he needs to stop.
    V. Homework
    Preview the article on page 127
    Finish Part A and part B on page 128
    Finish part A and part B on page 129


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