word power教案

  2009-04-30 17:26:08  
word power教案 Step1: Brainstorming Which do you prefer to live, countryside or cities? When we talk about the city, what words or expressions do we often use? When we talk about the country, what words or expressions do we often use? Now, have a try and the following pictures may give you s
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌

word power教案

    Step1: Brainstorming 
    Which do you prefer to live, countryside or cities? When we talk about the city, what words or expressions do we often use? When we talk about the country, what words or expressions do we often use? Now, have a try and the following pictures may give you some help.          
    1. With the help of the pictures, you are expected to describe life in the countryside or a city and what you think about living in either place. 
    2. Work in groups of four to discuss the differences between the life in the city and the life in the country.
    For reference:
    expensive                      business people
    the city      
    Urban                        industrial
    tall buildings
    nature            agricultural                   
    the country
    quiet          plants and animals        farmers
    Step 2: Vocabulary learning
    1. Now, read the article on page 30, and underline the reasons why people move and the effects the moves cause. Then fill the following table;
    Why people move to the place The effects caused by the moves
    The city
    Countries now rely more on industry rather than agriculture; process of industrialization Give young people a chance of living a life they did not think was possible;
    The living standards and the cost of living are raised;
    Influence population, migration patterns on regional, national and international levels
    The country
    Process of modernization; do not like this urbanization; retire; spend holidays Bring technology to rural areas;
    Rural areas are more and more similar to urban areas;
    The living standards and the cost of living are raised;
    Influence population, migration patterns on regional, national and international levels
    2. Choose the right definition for each word:
    1. industry   2. agriculture  3. industrialization  4. rural area
    5. urban    6. urbanization  7. population      8. migration patterns
    9. modernization 10. living standards   11. cost of living
    a. producing goods in factories
    b. the process by which a place starts to develop industries
    c. the countryside
    d. a way of measuring how good people's lives are 
    e. growing goods on farms
    f. area covered by a town or city 
    g. the number of people in an area or a country
    h. how expensive people find it to live their everyday life 
    i. the process of introducing new ideas and concepts to the development of an area or a country  j. the mass movement people form one place to another
    k. the process of areas of countryside turning into industrial cities.
    1. a  2. e  3. b  4. c  5. f  6. k  7. g  8. j  9. i  10. d  11. h
    3. Complete Part B on page22 individually:
    1. young       2. cost of living  3. modernization  4. industrialization
    5. urbanization  6. urban        7. rural          8. population
    Step3: Vocabulary extension
    1. Discussion:
    1). In which research field is this study of society?
    2). Who will study these changes in society?
    3). What other social changes and trends do sociologists research?
    For reference:
    1. sociology
    2. sociologist
    3. human social behaviour, education, the government and different social groups.
    2. Read the article in Part A to find out what sociology means and why it is important:
    For reference:
    What sociology means:
    ● sociology: the study of society and the groups whining society
    ● socialization: the process of learning to behave within society
    ● primary socialization: the effects of the family background(both economic and social)
    ● secondary socialization: the influence of education, the media, the government and other people in society
    The importance of sociology:
    ● to influence society
    ● to help make people realize the value of education
    ● to help government in making policies that emphasize education
    3. Complete the notes in part B.
    1. society and the groups within society
    2. secondary socialization
    3. norms
    4. society, including governments and individuals
    Sociology (from Latin: socius, "companion"; and the suffix -ology, "the study of", from Greek λ?γο?, lógos, "knowledge) is an academic and applied discipline that studies society and human social interaction. Sociological research ranges from the analysis of short contacts between anonymous individuals on the street to the study of global social processes. Numerous fields within the discipline focus on how and why people are organized in society, either as individuals or as members of associations, groups, and institutions. As an academic discipline, sociology is typically considered a social science.
    Sociology is a cluster of disciplines which seek to explain the dimensions of society and the dynamics that societies operate upon. Some of these disciplines which reflect current fields of Sociology are demography, which studies changes in a population size or type; criminology, which studies criminal behavior and deviance; social stratification, which studies inequality and class structure; political sociology which studies government and laws; sociology of race and sociology of gender which examine the social construction of race and gender as well as race and gender inequality. New sociological fields and sub-fields-such as network analysis and environmental sociology-continue to evolve; many of them are very cross-disciplinary in nature.
    Sociological research provides educators, planners, lawmakers, administrators, developers, business leaders, and people interested in resolving social problems and formulating public policy with rationales for the actions that they take.
    Step4: Homework.
    1. Surf the internet to get as much information about sociology as possible.
    2. Complete the notes in Part A on page 112.


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