
  2009-05-01 09:10:51  
2008高考英语考试大纲新增词汇讲解七 61. commit [k?'mit] vt. 把…交托给,提交;犯,干;使承担义务,使作出保证 词形变化 时 态:com?mit?ted, com?mit?ting, com?mits 形容词:com?mit'ta?ble 常用短语 1. commit suicide 自杀 参考例句 1. The crime seemed to have been committed without moti
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌


    61. commit [k?'mit]
    vt. 把…交托给,提交;犯,干;使承担义务,使作出保证
    时 态:com?mit?ted, com?mit?ting, com?mits
    1. commit suicide  自杀
    1. The crime seemed to have been committed without motive.  这一罪案似乎并无作案动机.
    2. The magistrates committed him for trial at the Old Bailey.  地方法官把他送往伦敦中央刑事法院受审.
    3. They committed many horrible crimes against the people.  他们对人民犯下许多可怕的罪行。
    4. The man who had committed several rapes was arrested.  那个犯了多起强*案的男人被抓起来了。
    5. You've committed a serious breach of the regulations.  你严重违反了规定。
    6. They tried to persuade her to commit perjury.  他们竭力说服她出庭作伪证.
    7. prepared to commit any atrocity to demoralize..  准备好接受干任何罪行打击…
    8. The pressured worker decided to commit suicide.  这受压迫的工人决定自杀。
    62. commitment [k?'mitm?nt]
    n. 委托,实行,承担义务,赞助
    1. My aunt has a sincere commitment to Buddhism.  我姑妈笃信佛教。
    2. His political commitment is only skin-deep.  他政治上的承诺只是表面文章.
    63. consideration [k?nsid?'rei??n]
    n. 考虑,思考;要考虑的事;体谅,关心
    1. without consideration  不考虑
    2. under consideration  在考虑中
    1. Budgetary concerns overrode all other considerations.  预算之事比其它一切要考虑的事都重要
    2. We've given your claim our careful consideration.  我们已经就你们提出的索赔做了仔细研究
    3. A Bad plan unworthy of our consideration.  不值得被我们考虑的一个糟糕的计划
    4. I submit this plan for your consideration.  我把这个计划提交给你考虑。
    5. This option is currently under consideration.  这个选择正被考虑中。
    6. Considerations of safety override all other concerns.  对安全的考虑压倒一切。
    7. A prior consideration.  优先考虑
    8. To leave out or omit from consideration;reject.  排除不予考虑或忽略;拒绝
    64. constitution [k?nsti'tju:??n]
    n. C宪法;U体格,体质;U构成,构造,组成
    1. genetic constitution  遗传成分,遗传素质
    1. His quick recovery is ascribable to his sound constitution.  他的迅速康复是由于他的健全的体质。
    2. Article 15 of the constitution deals with this problem.  宪法的第十五条款谈及此问题。
    3. The constitution was amended so that women could vote.  宪法经过修改以使妇女拥有投票权。
    4. The Constitution defines the powers of the president.  宪法规定总统的权力。
    5. The Constitution provides for a Bicameral legislature.  宪法规定立法机构必须是两院制的
    6. The constitution guards the liberty of the people.  宪法保护人民的自由。
    7. The President swore to uphold the constitution.  总统宣誓维护宪法。
    8. Constitution is prior to all other laws.  宪法优先于其他一切法律。
    65. construct [k?n'str?kt]vt. 构造,建造,想出,作图
    n. 构成物
    时 态:con?struct?ed, con?struct?ing, con?structs
    名 词:con?struc'tor, con?struct'er
    1. Bob ad his father constructed a tool shed in the backyard.  鲍伯和他父亲在后院建了一间放工具的仓库。
    2. Designed or constructed in the form of an animated cartoon.  用动画片形式设计或编制的。
    3. Many woven fabrics are constructed using the plain weave.  许多机织物由平纹组织构成。
    4. It takes about two years to construct a large bridge.  建造一座大桥需要两年左右的时间。
    5. The building was constructed of reinforced concrete.  这栋建筑是用钢筋水泥建造的。
    6. I am slow at learning theoretical constructs.  我学理论概念相当迟钝
    7. It took them two years to construct the bridge.  他们用了两年时间建这座桥。
    8. They are planning to construct a new supermarket.  他们正在计划建造一个新的超级市场。
    66. correction [k?'rek??n]
    n. 订正,改正,改正的地方
    1. house of

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