
  2009-05-01 09:10:57  
2008高考英语考试大纲新增词汇讲解四 31. bathe [beie] vt. 洗澡,沐浴;弄湿,浸湿 词形变化 时 态:bathed, bath?ing, bathes 名 词:bath'er 参考例句 1. The little dog whimpered when I tried to bathe its wounds. 当我想给那小狗清洗伤口时它悲嗥起来。 2. The movie star was Bathed in hugs
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌


    31. bathe [beie]
    vt. 洗澡,沐浴;弄湿,浸湿
    时 态:bathed, bath?ing, bathes
    名 词:bath'er
    1. The little dog whimpered when I tried to bathe its wounds.  当我想给那小狗清洗伤口时它悲嗥起来。
    2. The movie star was Bathed in hugs and kisses from his fans.  电影明星沉浸在影迷的搂抱亲吻中。
    3. A fur coat is incongruous with a bathing suit.  皮大衣和游泳衣是不相称的。
    4. That weirdo never bathes or changes his clothes.  那怪胎从不洗澡或换衣服
    5. The doctor told him to bathe his eyes twice a day.  医生叫他每天洗眼两次。
    6. Convenient for the fresh parents to bathe the baby.  方便新手父母替宝宝洗澡。
    7. The garden was bathed in moonlight.  花园在月光笼罩之下。
    8. The fields were bathed in sunlight.  田野沐浴在阳光中。
    32. bathtub ['b?θt?b]
    n. 浴缸
    1. bathtub gin 私烧锦酒
    1. My bathtub drain is clogged.  我的浴缸堵塞不通。
    2. The bathtub drain needs repairing.  浴盆的排水管需要修理。
    3. She loves to soak in the Bathtub.  她喜欢泡在浴缸中。
    33. beast [bi:st]
    n. 野兽,牲畜,兽性;凶残的人,举止粗鲁的人
    1. beast of burden 驮畜,驮载用的大牲口
    1. Beasts at bay will fight back.  困兽犹斗。
    2. He was saved from those savage beasts by a narrow margin.  他从那些猛兽口中死里逃生。
    3. The wild beast was caught in a trap.  这只野兽堕入了陷阱。
    4. His drunken habits made a beast of him.  他宿醉的习惯使他像个野兽。
    5. At last he got hold of the beast's tail.  最后他总算抓住了动物的尾巴。
    6. A tiger is a Beast of prey.  老虎是一种捕食的猛兽。
    7. Savage Beasts of the jungle.  丛林里的野生动物
    8. The beast preys on living animals.  这野兽捕食活的动物。
    34. blouse [blauz]
    n. 宽松的上衣常用短语
    1. middy blouse 水手衫
    1. This blouse needs to be finished off before I can wear it.  这件(女)衬衣还要再加一下工我才能穿。
    2. She wore a ***y see-through blouse to the cocktail party.  她穿一件性感透明的上衣去参加鸡尾酒会。
    3. Her blouse had parted company with her skirt.  她的上衣从裙子里出来了.
    4. Please don't crease the blouse when you pack it.  包装时请不要将衬衫弄皱了。
    5. She was wearing a skirt and blouse.  她穿着裙子和衬衫.
    6. That's a very smart blouse you're wearing.  你穿的这件衬衫真时髦。
    7. She wore a white organdy blouse.  她穿着一件白色蝉翼纱上衣。
    8. She has red buttons on her blouse.  她的衬衫的钮扣是红的。
    35. bonus ['b?un?s]
    n. 奖金,红利
    复 数:bo?nus?es
    1.exianA sales force that was inspired By the prospect of a Bonus.  为未来的红利而激发的销售人员
    2. The firm offered her a generous bonus as a sweetener.  公司提出给她一笔可观的花红藉以拉拢她.
    3. She's very dissatisfied at not getting a bonus.  她因没得到奖金极为不满。
    4. The warm weather in winter has been a real bonus.  冬天有这样暖和的天气真是喜出望外.
    5. Bonus acts as a stimulus to industry and commerce.  奖金对工商业起促进作用。
    6. Our Christmas bonus should be restored.  我们发圣诞节赠金的做法应予恢复.
    7. I shall not quit my job until after I get my bonus.  我要在领奖金以后再辞职
    8. A hefty serving of mashed potatoes;received a hefty bonus.  一道丰富的土豆泥菜;得到大量奖金
    36. boot [bu:t]
    n. 长靴,踢,解雇,效用
    vt. 穿靴,踢,解雇,有用
    时 态:boot?ed, boot?ing, boots
    1. boot out  踢开,驱逐,解雇
    2. to boot  加之,而且
    3. top boot  n.长统靴
    4. boot camp  n. <美口>海军训练新兵之营地
    5. chukka boot  n. 高帮皮马靴
    6. desert boot  n. 沙漠靴,沙地靴
    7. half boot  n. 半长统靴
    8. riding boot  n. 马靴, 长统靴
    9. rubber boot  胶靴
    10. ski boot  n. 滑雪靴
    1. She got the Boot for stealing money.  她因偷钱被解雇了
    2. My boots were punished by our long trek in the mountains.  我的靴子因为我们在山中漫长的徒步而受损。

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