
  2009-05-01 08:19:03  
中考英语热门考点透视 “神五”上天是一件令全世界瞩目的大事,也掀起了一股航天热。现在社会上的热点问题往往就会成为各种考试的考点,就像今春一场突如其来的sars,在今年的英语中考试卷中马上就有了体现——英语作文就是关于sars的,因此抓住热点问题往往就抓住了考点。如果明年中考会涉及到“神五”的话,会
欢迎来到论文参考中心,在您阅读前,与您分享:路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌


    (1) yue cuixi岳喜翠______ one of women pilots to take part in the experiments to make sure the re-entry capsule(返回舱) can land safely.
    a. used to be   b. used to being
    c. is used to be  d. was used to be
    (2) yang liwei said that he ______ his motherland.
    a. is proud of  d. was proud of
    c. is the pride as  d. was the pride as
    (3) everyone in china regarded yang liwei ______ one of the country ______.
    a. for, hero  b. for, hero
    c. as, hero   d. as, heroes
    (4) one time after ______, yang liwei asked his wife some english questions every day. later in the exam, he got full marks. 
    a. other   b. another
    c. the other   d. others
    (5) china ______ the future mars space exploration. 
    a. is ready to   b. is ready for
    c. are ready to   d. are ready for
    (6) yang liwei ______ 21 hours and 23 minutes staying in the china's first manned spacecraft in space on oct. 15 and 16.
    a. cost   b. took
    c. paid   d. spent
    (7) china's first team of astronauts are all able of working and living in space ______ five years of hard training.
    a. because   b. with the help of
    c. for   d. thanks to 
    (8) many countries are ______ closer cooperation with china in developing space technology.
    a. interesting, in   b. interested, in
    c. interesting, at   d. interested, at
    (9) yue cuixi岳喜翠used to be one of ______ to take part in the experiments to make sure the re-entry capsule can land safely.
    a. woman pilot   b. woman pilots
    c. women pilot   d. women pilots
    (10) china sent up ______ shenzhou-5 manned spacecraft, ______ astronaut yang liwei aboard, on oct. 15 from jiuquan satellite launch center in gansu province, northwest china.
    a. it, and   b. its, and
    c. it, with   d. its, with
    (11) ______ 5:55 am ______ the morning of october 15, yang liwei entered the spacecraft.
    a. at, in   b. at, on
    c. in, in   d. on, on
    (12) ______ china's pride to accomplish such achievements as the successful launch of the shenzhou-5 spacecraft.
    a. its   b. that
    c. this   d. it's
    (13) manned space flight is ______ achievement of the human race in the 20th century. 
    a. great   b. greater
    c. greatest   d. the greatest
    (14) at 9 am october 15, 2003, the ______ yang liwei flew into the space aboard the manned spacecraft designed and produced by china.
    a. 38 year old   b. 38 years old
    c. 38-years-old   d. 38-year-old
    (15) yang was one of ______ pilots among 1,500 pilots for space flight training.
    a. good   b. better
    c. best   d. the best
    (16) the earth looks ______.
    a. beautiful   b. beauty
    c. beautifully   d. more beautiful
    (17) china's success of manned spaceflight encourages the ______ world.
    a. develop   b. developed
    c. developing   d. develops
    (18) october 15, 2003, is ______unforgettable. it is in this day that we chinese make our dream ______ to send up the first manned spacecraft tall by ourselves.
    a. a, true   b. an, true
    c. a, truly   d. an, truely
    (19) manned space flight is the greatest achievement o

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  • 但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感到负疚 —— 郭小川

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  • 社会犹如一条船,每个人都要有掌舵的准备。 —— 易卜生