


Lesson 11:This Is Good for You


一、        教学目标:

1、         知识技能:(1)学生能够听、说、读、写单词:bones, muscles ,skin 并能用英语进行表达。

(2)   学生能复习掌握并实际做对话:What`s your favourite fruit? My favourite fruit is           。

(3)   学生能够联系旧知结合新知掌握课文中的重点单词和句子。

2、         过程与方法:通过师生、生生间的问答练习、游戏等活动,使学生在轻松、活跃的课堂中获得知识。

3、         情感态度:通过学习本单元的前三篇课文,学生知道什么是对身体健康有好处的,培养学生养成良好的卫生习惯。

二、        教学重点:

(1)学生能掌握四会单词:bones, muscles ,skin。

(2)   并且能够运用句型 What`s your favourite fruit? My favourite fruit is           。


三、        教学难点:


四、        教具准备:



教  学  设  计

设 计 意 图

(1)Class Opening and Review

a.Greeting :

Good morning ,everyone !


b. Review words :apple , banana , grapes , orange , melon , strawberry with real objects and make dialogue : What`s your favourite fruit? My favourite fruit is           。

c . game : do the activity

eg. Wash face ,wash hand ,comb hair ,get up ,eat breakfast ……

(2)New concepts

a.Demonstrate : bones, muscles ,skin with some pictures on the computer .Ask the Ss to pay more attention to “s” . Lead the Ss to read these new words several times .

b . Introduce the sentences of part 1 on the computer too. Play the audiotape part 1 as the Ss follow. Then ask the Ss to discribe the  pictures .

c . Practice : listen to the radio and fill in the blank :

★  These are        . For strong        , you need to  eat foods that are good for you 。     

★  This is a         .For strong         , you need exercise .

★  This is         .Healthy       is clean        .

d .game : Show some pictures of food and let the Ss to divide them : which one is good for  you or bad for you .And this food good for you is good food .

just like  : fish ,fruit ,meat ……

e .Discussion : Ask Ss to make a discuss of what good for your health is .Then show the sentence :A healthy body has healthy bones ,muscles and skin .

Blackboard design

Lesson 11:This Is Good for You

bones   muscles   skin

What`s your favourite fruit

My favourite fruit is       


1 .写出下列短语:

洗脸  刷牙  梳头  吃早饭

2 .写单词:

These are        .(骨头)

This is         . (皮肤)

This is a         .For strong         , you need exercise .(肌肉)

A healthy body has healthy         

      and      .     

3 . 回答问题:

What`s your favourite fruit





