


Unit 1 We are going to speak Chinese.

Function: Using simple future tense to describe own plan

Recycling: simple future tense

Language: Are you going to go to middle school this September?

           Yes, I’m really excited.

Vocabulary: middle school, study, practice, worry


Step 1 Warm-up

1. Sing an English song.

2. Say to the children at random.

Step 2 Introduction

    1. Which grade are you in? You are going to go to middle school. What middle school do you know? What are we going to learn in middle school? Do you know? You’ll have more subjects.

2. Now let’s learn the new language. And then, please tell us what you’re going to learn in middle school. And you can also tell us what you’re going to do in the summer holidays.

Step 3 Presentation

1. Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children to look at the picture carefully.

2. Play the cassette and circle the new words.

3. Play the cassette and ask some questions.

4. Teach the new words in different ways.

5. Play the cassette again and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat.

6. Practice in groups and act out the dialogue.

Step 4 Finish a Task

1. Write a postcard in English. 2. Interview after class.

Step 5 Homework

1. Read the text in role.

2. Finish task 5.