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  • 中考英语作文范文--我的家乡


    请你根据下面的提纲,以“我的家乡”为题,写一篇100—120字的短文。 提纲: (1) 家乡的地理位置; (2) 解放前的情况; (3) 解放后的变化; (4) 对家乡的感情。My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor a

  • 中考英语作文范文--早起


    Early rising   Early rising is a good habit for everyone. It is good for us in many ways.    Firstly, it helps to keep us healthy. We can breathe the fresh air in the morning. It's fun for us to take a walk along the street.    Secondly, early rising helps us with our studies. When we

  • 我爱我的家


    根据中文意思和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的英文文段。所给的英文提示词语必须都用上;中文提示内容不必逐句翻译;根据英文提示,每组所写出的句数不限。(共12分)?几年以前我家只有一间小屋。三个人住一间屋真是艰难。现在我们已经搬进了一套两室一厅 的单元房。我非常高兴。当我父母做. . . , 我能. . . 。我爱我

  • 去西山植树


    根据中文设置的情景和英文提示词语,写出语法正确,意思连贯的句子。所给的英文提示词语必须都用上。 上星期日,我们乘车去西山植树。一些学生种树,其他学生……    1. It, fine, last Sunday   2. we, go, West Hill, by bus   3. some, plant trees, other, carry water   4. because, we, work hard, tir

  • What is beauty in your mind?


      以“ What is beauty in your mind? ”为主题,发表自己的观点,题目自拟。要求:  1. 行文流畅,观点鲜明,论证充分;  2. 内容丰富,层次分明,逻辑性强;  3. 词数 150 左右。   Beauty will buy no beef  Everyone admires beauty. Everyone has his own standard about beauty.  Nowadays some peop

  • How to Improve Your English Reading


      To improve your English reading, you should, first of all, choose something you feel important or interesting to read. Don't try to read everything. You should begin with those written in simple English. Don't read those which prove difficult for you at the very beginning.  While reading,

  • 向人们介绍本校的情况


      Hello , friends ,  You are warmly welcomed to our school . I'm Wu Dong . I'm very glad to be your guide . First , I'd like to tell you something about our school . It was set up in 1957 . The number of students is over 1200 , and the teachers about 100 . There are altogether 20classes . Be

  • Sunset(日落)


      Sunset  In order to see the sunset , I got everything ready before 5in the afternoon . Then I went to the East Hill .  At that time , the sun was already in the west but it was still shining . Its light was so bright that I couldn't even open my eyes . When I arrived at the East Hill , th

  • Planting Trees(植树)


      Planting Trees  It was fine on March 12 , 2001 . I got up early that day . All the students in our school went to the hill to plant trees .  We arrived at the hill at eight o'clock . The teacher asked each of us to plant at least six trees . Then we started digging , planting and watering

  • 书信


      ( 2002 河北省)根据提示和要求完成下面短文。  假如你( Li Lei )在去年夏令营认识的一个朋友 Jim 从英国给你寄来一件礼物—一件红色的衬衫,并附有一封信。在信中他向你问好,他想知道你近来在忙些什么。请你给他写一封回信( 100 个词左右)表示感谢。回信要包括以下内容:  ①向 Jim 问好并对他表示感谢。  

  • NOTICE(通知)


      明天早晨 8 : 00 ,二年级学生要在校门外集合。请穿上旧衣服,去农场劳动。请根据所给条件写一篇简短的通知。(' 98 吉林中考试题)NOTICE  All ( of ) the students of ( in ) Grade Two , We'llgo to work on the farm tomorrow . Please meet at8 : 00o'clock outside the school gate Don't forget to( Y

  • 日记


      Sunday May 21,2003 SunnyGoing on a Picnic  Today was Sunday. The weather was fine and warm. The sky was very clear and blue. My classmates and I were very happy, because we went out for a picnic at Nanshan Hill. We went to Nanshan Hill by bike with fruits, eggs, meat, vegetables, knives

  • 日记,记述今天的经历


      (2002 ,北京东城区)根据中文意思和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的英文片段。所给词语必须都用上,中文提示内容不必逐句翻译,每组英文提示所写出的句数不限。  今天是 6 月 23 日,星期日,天气晴朗。你和你的同学张宏参观了北京动物园。那里的动物十分有趣,人见人爱。当你看到有位游客在向猴子投喂食物

  • 日记


      例:请以下述内容为题,写一篇日记。 3 月 15 日,星期一。词数: 60 — 80 词。提示:  ①今晚,你去参加李江的生日宴会,大家又唱又跳,玩得很开心。②离开李江家时,天开始下雨,由于已很晚了,你步行回家;③一辆摩托车急驰而过,在十字路口撞倒了一个男孩。④摩托车没停,逃跑了。⑤你十分气愤,记下了车号( FD

  • 写email网上租房


      假如你叫李华,今年暑假你的一位美国朋友 Mr. Robert 打算携全家到北戴河度假一个月。他打算租一套合适的住房,想请你帮忙。你碰巧在因特网上发现了几则租房广告,并认为其中的一个较为合适。于是你将广告中的相关信息以书信的形式通过 e-mail 发送给 Mr. Robert ,供他参考,具体内容如下:  1. 房子位于市区,距机场

  • 启事


      [中文提示]  我叫 Steve ,在操场丢了一串钥匙,请打电话 86856034 找我,本人将万分感谢。  [范文展示]lost  May 4, 2004  I lost a set of keys on the playground when I was playing basketball yesterday. My name is Steve. Please call 86856034.  Steve  或者:  Lost  A set of keys was

  • 通知


      [中文提示]  7 月 2 日放暑假时,学校团支部为了给中国足球队助威,通知同学们在暑假期间观看亚洲杯足球赛电视直播交且写一篇作文。  [范文展示]  July 2, 2004  Dear students.  A FC will be held in Beijing, Chongqing, Chengdu and Jinan in China from July 17 to August 7. Please watch the l

  • 便条


      假定你叫李蕾,是英语老师 Mary 的学生,你于 2004 年 5 月 30 日下午 6 : 00 去她家通知一件事,并向她借一本英语小说,可她不在,因此你只好给她留一张便条。便条内容如下:  1. 六一节去重庆博物馆参观航天英雄杨利伟乘坐的飞船,上午 8 : 30 在校门口集合,乘 464 路公共汽车去。  2. 你向她借“ Under the M

  • 向外国友人简单介绍黄山( the Yellow Mountain )


    ( 2002 年安徽省)安徽黄山被联合国教科文组织定为世界自然文化遗产。假设外国友人到你校参观后,准备去旅游。请根据要点向外国友人简单介绍黄山( the Yellow Mountain )。  ( 1 )位于安徽南部,是中国著名的旅游胜地。每年有大批中外游客前去旅游观光。( 2 )乘汽车去大约要花 3 个小时;也可以乘火车或飞机去。(

  • 外国友人说重庆变化很大


      3 .( 2002 年重庆市)根据内容要求写一篇 50 - 80 词的短文。要求:书写格式正确,语句通畅、流畅,无语法错误。  内容提要:今年四月 AAPP 要在重庆召开,外国友人受到重庆人民的热烈欢迎。外国友人说:“重庆变化很大,街道清洁,灯火明亮,城市秀美,人更美,人们将记住重庆,重庆的明天会越来越好。” In Ap


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