学习句型wheres the ***. Im here.(大班)

学习句型wheres the ***. Im here.(大班)

学习句型wheres the ***.  Im here.(大班)




内容:学习句型where’s the ****, I’m here.






1、              师生相互问好。

2、              教师出示许多图片look. I have some cards. What are they?  Look these cards ,then tell me loudly,ok?

3、              老师出示了几张图片以后,让幼儿闭上眼睛做一个游戏  now , let’s play a missing game . first ,close your eyes. When I say “one two three”, please open your eyes. Understand?

老师故意拿走一张图片,然后让幼儿睁开眼睛,问幼儿什么东西不见了。 What’s gone?

Yes. Rabbit . where’s the rabbit? Where’s the rabbit?  Oh , here ,here . rabbit is here.

Oh , it’s fun. Now . let’s play again. 这次让另一个老师把图片藏起来,让幼儿去问这位老师。

Ok , open your eyes. What’s gone? Yes .  monkey . where’s the monkey ? where’s the monkey? Let’s ask Miss wang .|”where’s the monkey?”the teacher answer”here, here .

4        ok ,this time who will be Mss Zhang? You can hide a card.(游戏重复进行。)